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School of Business

School of Business

The School of Business at the Karachi Institute of Technology and Entrepreneurship incorporates the rigor of STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics), with the critical thinking skills associated with social sciences, and rounds it off with an applied education about the fundamentals of business.

Consistent with a mission to produce a critical mass of citizens with a “can-do” attitude, graduates from the School of Business will be able to hit the ground running upon completing the four year undergraduate program.

As the country’s first truly “tech-centric” business school, the School of Business incorporates the three fundamental pillars of the ecosystem at KITE. By combining a robust knowledge of computing with the fundamentals of business and the social sciences, the curriculum at the School of Business is truly inter-disciplinary. Since computing is a ubiquitous tool in the world of business, and given the strong linkages with industry that KITE possesses, students at the School of Business will focus on the application of knowledge throughout their undergraduate years. Ultimately, the School of Business aims to train entrepreneurs – individuals who can identify business problems, create ideas, and then execute those ideas.

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Year 1, Semester 1

Course Code Subject Course Description


Principles of Accounting - I

This course is an introduction to the basic concepts and standards underlying financial accounting systems. Several important concepts will be studied in detail, including: accounting equation, GAAP, revenue recognition, inventory, short-term & long-term assets, short term & long term liabilities, treatment of capital and revenue expenditures. The course emphasizes recording economic transactions and construction of the basic financial accounting statements - the income statement, balance sheet, and cash flow statement - as well as their interpretation


Introduction to Microeconomics

It is an introductory undergraduate course that teaches the fundamentals of microeconomics. This course introduces microeconomic concepts and analysis, supply and demand analysis, theories of the firm and individual behavior, competition and monopoly, and welfare economics. Other related topics include market equilibrium, utility theory, laws of marginal utility, consumer equilibrium etc. Students will also be introduced to the use of microeconomic applications to address problems in current economic policy throughout the semester.


Introduction to Business

The main purpose of this course is to make the fresh students in the field of business studies able to understand the concept and comprehend with business and allied activities. The objective of the course is to explore and examine various aspects of business, their interrelation with business system. This is a foundation course which provides basic knowledge about the nature and importance of business, its concepts, functions, principles etc.


Business Mathematics - I

The Objective of this course is to provide a clear understanding of basic mathematical concepts and techniques to solve business related issues. Course content includes basic algebra, ratios, proportions, linear equations, mathematical functions, matrices and differentiation.


Introduction to Entrepreneurship

This is KITE’s signature entrepreneurship core course which teaches students the art and craft needed to become an entrepreneurial leader. The aim of this course is to focus on entrepreneurial leadership which goes far and beyond just forming start-up ventures. Experiential learning, case studies, student activities, games and guest speaker sessions are the teaching methodologies of this course. The students are taught on how to think and act entrepreneurially by applying newly researched theories of entrepreneurship. They are taught on how to develop an understanding of one-self and the society / community around them through a process based approach and how they can leverage on that understanding to create and innovate something of value which can be socially, environmentally and economically viable and sustainable.


English - I

This is a basic rhetorical and writing course. It aims at improving the students’ speaking, presentation and writing skills and raising their awareness about various aspects of the English language. The teaching focuses on elements of English style, proper referencing, grammar and English usage and oral communication in English, so that the students may communicate correctly and efficiently in an academic context. The course would enable the students to learn about basic reading, writing, paraphrasing and summarizing techniques, and the importance of good referencing.


Islamic Studies

The course aims at equipping the students with the knowledge and skills that will enable them to have an in-depth study of the religion and civilization of Islam, and enhance their understanding of other major religions by discussing their basic teachings and providing a historical overview of their practices. In addition, the course would focus on the transformative role of religion in the societies, discuss the role of religious movements in this context, encourage a study of the challenges being faced by the contemporary Muslim societies in particular and explain as to how to deal with such challenges.

Year 1, Semester 2

Course Code Subject Course Description


Introduction to Macroeconomics

This course provides an overview of macroeconomic issues: the determination of output, employment, unemployment, interest rates, and inflation. Monetary and fiscal policies are discussed. Topics like business cycles: boom and depression, inflation and unemployment, measures of national income: gross domestic product (GDP) and gross national product (GNP), open and closed economy models, aggregate markets: product, money, labor and capital markets, components of aggregate demand, theories of absolute and comparative advantage, and balance of payment.


Principles of Management

This course focuses on basic managerial functions of planning, organizing, staffing, leading and controlling. It is specially designed to orient students with modern management practices essential for successful management of large organizations having a diverse work force and operating in the changing global, political, economic, social and technological scenarios. In addition, application of management principles in relatively smaller and startup organizations is also an essential component of this course.


Principles of Accounting - II

This course is an introduction to the basic concepts and standards underlying financial accounting systems. Several important concepts will be studied in detail, including: accounting equation, GAAP, revenue recognition, inventory, short-term & long-term assets, short term & long term liabilities, treatment of capital and revenue expenditures. The course emphasizes recording economic transactions and construction of the basic financial accounting statements - the income statement, balance sheet, and cash flow statement - as well as their interpretation.


Business Mathematics - II

Building upon the previous mathematics course, this course takes a step beyond the introductory concepts of mathematics and transitions the students into more complex concepts and methods. Some of the topics taught in this course include differentiation, integration, linear programming, graphical representations etc.


Pakistan Studies

This course is essentially an introduction to Pakistan. It aims at enabling the students to have a deeper knowledge of the country’s geography and geopolitics in a significant strategic environ, its history encompassing the significant features of the past thousands of years, its religion, culture, tradition and people speaking different languages and mingling and conflicting in a multicultural milieu, the country under the Muslim rule and British colonial rule and the movement for Pakistan


English - II

This is a course on business writing, speaking and negotiating in the English language. It examines writing in a business context, and encourages students to learn to write in business language, get acquainted with the format and design of documents, and respect and appreciate the ethical aspects of business writing. It also explains as to how to effectively communicate a company’s position, statement or testimony to the press, public and private organizations, and enable the students to learn to apply speaking, writing and interpersonal skills when discussing corporate identity and philanthropy, organization’s image and investor relations.

Year 2, Semester 3

Course Code Subject Course Description


Business Communication

The course focuses on the theory and practice of effective communication techniques in business environments. It polishes verbal and non-verbal communication skills for effective participation in business meetings and other activities. It prepares students to write formal business reports, memos, formal letters, applications, email communication and presentations.


Business Statistics

This is intended as an introductory course for data analysis, presentation and probability. The aim is to acquaint students with the basic methods of data handling which are required for different kinds of analysis. Students are introduced to the concepts of data classification and tabulation, its graphical and diagrammatic representation, measurement of central tendencies and dispersion and probabilistic distribution.


Introduction to Business Finance

The course has been developed to provide basic knowledge about the principles, concepts, and terminologies which are applicable to the current business practices. This course will help students develop knowledge and understanding of finance and its methods for analyzing the benefits of various sources of finance. Further it will be possible for students to learn capital investment opportunities and application of financial techniques for business planning and control. The main concepts examined include financial analysis, financial decision making, time value of money, valuation of financial assets, risk and return analysis, and management of short-term assets of the firm.


Money & Banking

The course aims at providing basic understanding about the principles and practices in money and banking field. The course reviews definitions, functions and theories of money – classical, Keynesian and modern viewpoints, central and commercial banking, examination of monetary policy. The course also discusses the principles of international finance and financial institutions. The entire course revolves around how money/capital change hands between agents over time, directly and through institutions.


Introduction to Programming

This is a project-based course in the Python language, which is quickly becoming very popular. The aim is to familiarize students with the basics of structured programming. The students would also learn how to use iterative and recursive techniques to solve simple problems. Topics include: Loops, conditions, arrays, files, introduction to Algorithms, sorting and recursion. A highlight of this course is that the students would get an easy introduction to Object Oriented Programming.


Urdu: Language, Literature & Society

This course aims at enabling the students to develop the art and craft of reading, writing and communicating in Urdu language. Urdu is an international language as well as the national language of Pakistan. It also ideally serves as a bridge language, as lingua franca, in our land of many languages and dialects. It emphasizing that the currents, cross-currents and under-currents of Pakistan’s history, culture, politics, religion and sociology cannot be appreciated fully if a reasonable comprehension of Urdu language is missing. This course intends to introduce landmark studies of history, politics, culture, Sufism, and literature produced in Urdu in South Asia in general and in Pakistan in particular.

Year 2, Semester 4

Course Code Subject Course Description


Principles of Marketing

This is an introductory course for exposing students to the discipline of marketing by equipping them to analyze the political, economic, social and technological environments. Students are encouraged to make observations about their marketing environment, detect signals about changes in the market place, formulate need analysis, learn about consumer and organizational markets, learn about personalities and their impact on consumer behavior, observe about how marketing departments are organized, explore pricing mechanisms, decide about the appropriate distribution channels and structures, learn about various promotional techniques and tools, and the challenges which the explosion of new media pose in the marketers' world.


Financial Management

The course, building upon the foundations provided in the core accounting and finance courses, aims to enhance students' understanding of the theory and practice of the financial management of a business as well as large corporate machines. Topics covered include financial analysis and planning, capital budgeting, make or buy decisions, lease or purchase decisions, long term financing, working capital management and mergers and acquisitions.


Statistical Inference

Advance course of statistics has been designed to estimate parameter through statistics; students will know how to draw random samples from finite population. Students will also know how to test the hypothesis regarding population mean, variance and population for large samples based on normal distribution which is the back bone of the whole theory of statistics. The students will also know how to test the above mentioned hypothesis for small samples.


Computer Graphics - I

This shared core-course introduces students to the industry-standard tools of publication and digital media design. Students will implement production workflows, make layouts, edit images and create a portfolio of projects that can be built upon in subsequent courses. The objective is for the student to achieve confidence when designing materials for publication and marketing support. Students will use new media terminology and learn to for design for the publication and online media.


E-Life Toolkit

This course is specifically designed to introduce students about computing technologies and improve their proficiency in Microsoft Office Suite, Adobe Photoshop Suite, Setup and Assemble different part of Computer Systems and networks


Political Thought & Politcal Action

This course is divided into two parts. The first is an exploration of influential political thought and key political concepts that have influenced political thinking and political action in different eras and in different influential societies; and the second is a study of politics in action in different periods and in different parts of the world. The course proceeds by introducing modern political ideologies (liberalism, socialism, conservatism, Marxism, anarchism, nationalism, political Islam). It also studies the key concepts like rights, liberty, justice, equality and power, concepts which are the key concepts of politics and which have ignited great political movements for the transformation of societies.

Year 3, Semester 5

Course Code Subject Course Description


Business & Company Law

The course introduces the legal framework within which individuals and business entities operate. It discusses various forms of business and the relevant laws applicable to them individually. The contents of this course include Contract Act, Sales of Goods Act, Negotiable Instruments, Partnerships, and Company Acts.


Financial Institutions and Markets

This course is designed to provide a look at the broad framework of the financial system, as well as insight into the nature and operations of different financial institutions and markets. These institutions and markets include the banking industry, the non-banking financial institutions, the stock market, the bond market and the foreign exchange market. In addition to the theory, strong emphasis is laid on enhancing student’s experiential learning through projects. Suggested projects include students building up their own investment portfolios through secondary debt and equity markets.


Entrepreneurial Finance

This course develops students overall understanding on how to read, use and interpret financial statements for decision making purposes. The purpose of this course is NOT to teach students the principles or standard of accounting rather equip them with overall understanding of financial statements from an entrepreneur’s perspective. The students are taught various financing options available to them to fund their venture, how they are supposed to manage growth of a growing venture, how founding teams and partnerships deals with distribution of stakes, how to manage working capital or financial business model etc.


Digital Marketing

This course enables students to learn about the principles, theories and practices of marketing in a digital context. Apart from learning about the traditional marketing theories, students learn experientially about testing their ideas / products / venture in the context of effectuation theory of entrepreneurship. Students will be taught on how they can market their product through cost effective means such as social media and other digital platforms.


User Experience Design

This shared core course will demonstrate design research through UX methods and case studies. Students will learn how to prototype and evaluate for different personas for their products and services. User and Human-centered design methods will be used to create deliverable mockups, paper and interface prototypes for improving the consumer experience.


Liberal Arts Elective

Year 3, Semester 6

Course Code Subject Course Description


Analysis of Pakistani Industries

This course gives students the opportunity to explore and analyze various industries of Pakistan. Industries that have prospered over the years, those whose potential couldn’t be nurtured and those in which nation’s future lies are discussed at length. The idea behind this course is to make students aware of all the opportunities that lie in front of them to undertake their future business so they make an informed decision about picking the industry of their choice.


Human Resource Management

This course is focused on people at work. Over the years a variety of management policies, practices, and decisions have been tried to ensure that employees can achieve the organization's objectives – This HRM course would expose the students to learn and understand the Human Resource basic functions and processes starting from recruitment through development and the separation of employees from the corporations. Special emphasis is laid on the dynamics of human resource management through entrepreneurship and startup angle. Various options available to an entrepreneur for employee satisfaction, growth and incentives are explored in a limited resources setting.


Production and Operations Management

This course includes design, planning, and control of firms' capabilities and resources. The coursework is intended to strengthen students' conceptual understanding and skills in the areas of operations, strategy and technology, forecasting, capacity and materials management, and design of productive systems.


Consumer Behaviour

Consumer Behavior begins with an overview of importance of understanding consumers as buyers and users of products and services, and the course delves into deeper issues revolving around consumer decision making. Multiple factors forming the foundations of consumer behavior such as economic, social, psychological and cultural factors are discussed in the light of individual behavior variables such as needs, motives, perceptions, attitudes, personalities and learning.


Business Taxation

The course focuses on understanding the role, importance and impact of taxation in business environment. Students in business studies should be able to develop an understanding on how taxation regime works in Pakistan. Course content include direct and indirect taxes, impact of taxes on pricing, ways to achieve tax optimization, taxes at individual and corporate level.


Organization Behavior

This course inculcates a positive approach in managing productive relationships with peers, superiors and subordinates by examining teams, individuals and networks in a business environment. Topics such as group culture, individual motivation and behavior, collective and individual performance, decision making, interpersonal communication, small group behavior and inter-group conflict are extensively covered. This course exposes students to frameworks for diagnosing and dealing with problems in organizational settings.


Art of Story telling & Pitching

Having an idea which has a potential to become ‘a next big thing’ is one thing and articulating and presenting it to someone within certain time constraint in another. This course teaches the students on how to make an effective, concise and powerful pitch to potential investors, co-founders, partners etc. In this highly competitive market, you normally get one shot at the potential investor or a group to describe your project or idea with passion. On top of it, you are supposed to present in front of people who are used to meet people like you day in and day out. So it takes special art and practice to make yourself and your project stand out from the crowd in 5 – 10 minutes of your pitch. This requires serious skills and practice which this course aims to focus on. The art of mixing storytelling, humor, emotions etc in your pitch are also part of this course.

Year 4, Semester 7

Course Code Subject Course Description


Managerial Accounting

The aim of this course is to equip students with the managerial accounting concepts and techniques used for sound business decision-making. Modules offered include basic cost accounting concepts, their nature and behavior, cost-volume-profit relationships, absorption, marginal and variable costing, relevant costs & differential analysis, standard costing and variance analysis, gross profit analysis, break-even analysis and capital budgeting techniques.


Business Research Methods

The quality of business decisions depends to a great extent on the information available to the decisions maker. It is the function of business research to provide information for this decision-making. The main purpose of this course is to provide business decision makers with an understanding of research methods. The focus of this course is the need for business research and major emphasis will be on workshop session, fieldwork and case studies also the preparation of a research report. This course empowers the students towards the scientific research methodology so that they can observe business processes, formulate hypothesis, conduct experiments, draw conclusions and disseminate these conclusions for organizational benefits.


Business Elective - I


Business Elective - II


Experiential Course


Interaction Design

This course is an introduction to concepts, methods, and technologies employed in the design of interactive media. Subjects of study include defining user and site requirements, managing information complexity, and designing visual interfaces that are usable and testable. The course takes an inter-disciplinary approach drawing upon product design, visual communication, information architecture, cognitive psychology and computer science to design multi-modal expressive interfaces, enriching user experience for products and services.

Year 4, Semester 8

Course Code Subject Course Description


Business Elective - III


Business Elective - IV


Business Elective - V


Experiential Course