Student Handbook

Table of Contents                                              

  1. About KITE……………………………………………………………………………………………………………….2
  2. Mission and Values………………………………………………………………………………………….3
  3. Communication………………………………………………………………………………………………….4
  4. Courses………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………5
    • Course Add / Drop………………………………………………………………………………5
    • Course Withdrawal……………………………………………………………………………..5
    • Course Incomplete……………………………………………………………………………..5
  5. Attendance Policy…………………………………………………………………………………………..7
    • Absences or Leaves…………………………………………………………………………..7
    • Missed Quiz/Exam Policy…………………………………………………………….8
    • Academic Honesty……………………………………………………………………………….10
    • Code of Conduct……………………………………………………………………………….……11
  6. Academic Probation and Dismissal………………………………………….…….13
    • Engineering Probation………………………………………………………….……..…..13
    • Engineering Dismissal……………………………………………….……………………..13
    • Scholastic Probation and Dismissal…………………………….….…..13
    • Grade Improvement and Course Repeat Policy……..13
  7. Grading System…………………………………………………………………………………………………..15
  8. Counseling……………………………………………………………………………………………………………….16
    • Student Counseling……………………………………………………………………………..16
    • Career Counseling……………………………………………………………………………..….16
  9. Fee Payment Details……………………………………………………………………………………17
    • Penalties……………………………………………………………………………………………..…………..17
  10. Contacts……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………18




2. About KITE

Karachi Institute of Technology and Entrepreneurship (KITE) is the Education Enrichment (EduEnrich) Foundation’s flagship initiative.  EduEnrich is a not-for-profit organization run by a dedicated team of professionals passionate about creating innovative solutions for local problems.

In today’s globalized world, technology and entrepreneurship are prerequisites to achieving economic success.  KITE’s programs have been designed to ensure they are an integral part of the curriculum as well as the teaching methodology.

Our cutting-edge programs and capable faculty members provide academic training together with practical knowledge to students. Our partnerships with industry leaders mean that our curriculum is in line with industry requirements — it evaluates and delivers what is required from a working professional.

Most of our faculty members possess internationally renowned credentials and have diverse work experience. Above all, our staff’s unwavering dedication towards students helps them achieve their dreams and position themselves as leaders in their respective fields.

Our goal is to produce leaders who possess problem solving and critical thinking skills, which are mandatory to compete in a competitive global marketplace as well necessary to develop relevant local solutions.

3. Mission and Values

KITE’s mission: in the current era, technology and entrepreneurship are both prerequisites to achieving economic success and development. KITE is being developed as an iconic undergraduate institution that is industry-led; to impart high-quality education that instills entrepreneurial and ethical values within a tech-savvy youth. Our graduates will be well-rounded individuals, equipped to capitalize on the latest social, economic and technological prospects available in the global context.

The KITE method:

  • Challenge the status-quo
  • Investigate holistic education approaches
  • Ensure local and global industry relevance
  • Emphasize project-based learning
  • Nurture a “can-do” entrepreneurial mindset
  • Graduate highly employable professionals & leaders

KITE aspires to play a major role in:

  • Creating an eco-system of education, innovation and entrepreneurship.
  • Developing a critical mass of educated professionals who can lead Pakistan’s future development.
  • Focusing on holistic education
  • Becoming a fully integrated University
  • Emphasizing on industry-informed curriculum, practical know-how and academic rigor.
  • Meeting the target of student strength (peak operations) at city campus: 1,000.

4. Communication

KITE hopes to maintain close communication with students and their parents/guardians. Academic reports and letters with information of general interest are sent home on a regular basis.

Communication between KITE and Parents/Guardians:

  • To meet a teacher or a member of the administration, please call or email Academic Operations Department ( during working hours to arrange an appointment.
  • Please inform KITE if there is a change in the information provided at the time of admission. This includes changes in e-mail addresses, mailing addresses and telephone numbers of the student as well as the parent/guardian so that we are able to reach you promptly when necessary.
  • Please feel free to contact the Institute to discuss or clarify any issue that concerns you.

 Communication between KITE and Students:

  • Students will be issued a university e-mail address and are responsible for checking it regularly, as the university will be using it to send important information, such as class changes, campus closure due to adverse situation, and internship opportunities, among other things.
  • Students may be contacted using the contact information (e-mail address, cell phone number, etc.) listed on the application. Students should make sure to keep the school updated on any change to this contact information.

5. Courses

5.1 Course Add / Drop

A student can add or drop a course during the first week of the semester only, or up until 2 classes have been conducted for that course. If a course is dropped, it will not show up on the transcript and no historical record will be maintained. There are no tuition fee refunds associated with dropping a course. If a student chooses to drop a course, he/she must consult with the Head of the department to ensure another course is selected, so that a full course load is maintained. A full course load is 15-18 credit hours per semester.

5.2 Course Withdrawal

A student may withdraw from a course up to the mid-point of the semester, before the mid-term. However the following should be kept in mind:

  • The withdrawal will only be allowed for emergency situations that are documented. Withdrawals will not be allowed for students simply because they are failing the course, or finding it difficult to cope with the study material.
  • The withdrawal can be done up till the mid-point of the semester. Exact cut-off date will be provided in the Academic Calendar.
  • The transcript will show a W grade for that course.
  • The W grade will NOT count towards the GPA calculations.
  • The W grade will remain on the transcript (even if the course is retaken in a later semester) and it will also appear on the final transcript.
  • Student is not allowed to withdraw from the same course more than once.
  • A student must have the approval of the Head of the department to Withdraw from a course, before sending the request to Academic Operations. The final decision rests with Academic Operations.
  • There are no tuition fee refunds associated with withdrawing from a course.
  • Number of withdrawals allowed during a bachelor’s degree is limited to 4.
  • Note that some courses are not offered every semester. Depending on when the course is next offered, the student’s degree completion may be delayed and they will have to enroll in additional semesters and pay the additional tuition fees.

5.3 Course Incomplete

A student can receive an Incomplete (I) in a course, if for some reason they are unable to complete the course.

  • An Incomplete is approved by the professor if a student has done most of the coursework but for some reason is unable to complete the course.
  • The professor can give an Incomplete grade, only if the student’s work is of passing quality and a majority of the requirements of the final grade are satisfied. Hence, a student can request an Incomplete if their current grade is D- or better, and if more than 60% of the requirements of the final grade have been met.
  • If a student receives an Incomplete (I) then he/she is required to finish the coursework within 2 semesters after getting the incomplete.
  • The transcript will show an ‘I’ grade next to the course. The ‘I’ grade is not counted towards the GPA calculation for that semester.
  • If the coursework is not completed by the start of the 3rd semester after the incomplete was received, the grade will be turned from an ‘I’ into a F grade.
  • Prior to submitting the request to Academic Operations for an Incomplete grade, the student must receive a written directive from the professor indicating what coursework is remaining and what needs to be done to finish the work. This directive should be submitted with the request.
  • There are no tuition fee refunds associated with an Incomplete course.

6. Attendance Policy


Students are expected to attend all classes to take full advantage of the learning opportunities and also to avoid missing quizzes, which will affect their grade in that course. Some courses may have a “Class Participation” grading component in which attendance plays a significant role.

Applicability and Punishment:          

  • Any student who fails to attend at least sixty percent (60%) of the scheduled classes for any course will not be allowed to appear in the final examinations for that course.
  • Students are expected to be punctual. Any student who enters more than 10 minutes late from the time that the class is scheduled to start will be marked absent unless he/she has a legitimate excuse communicated through prior notification to the teacher or in exceptional cases, formally communicated prior to the class.
  • The faculty will have autonomy to penalize or excuse students who leave half-way through class/during break without a formally notified legitimate excuse.
  • In case of a genuine reason for being absent, which involves death in the immediate family or severe illness, the student is expected to inform the Academic Operations Department and provide a written application. The case will then be considered and the absence may or may not be excused.

6.1 Absences or Leaves

Students DO NOT need to ask permission before taking short leaves of less than 2 consecutive weeks, provided the following conditions are met:

  1. All students are required to maintain a minimum of 75% attendance in all their classes. If a particular course or degree program has a requirement for a higher attendance level, then that will supersede the minimum requirement.
  2. The minimum attendance level allows students enough flexibility to take time off for personal reasons, family matters, sickness, sports, weddings, or religious and cultural events. Hence, the students can take care of their affairs as long as total attendance in any course stays at or above 75%. The student does not need to inform Academic Operations, but it is expected that they will inform the instructors of their absence (as a matter of common courtesy).

3a. If the attendance level falls below the 75% mark, but remains above 60%, then their final results will be downgraded by a letter grade. For e.g., if a student obtained a B grade, they will be downgraded to a C, or if a student obtained a B+ then they will be downgraded to C+. If the final grade is D+ or less then the new grade will be an F.

3b. If the attendance level falls below 60% in any course, the student will not be allowed to sit in the final exam. The final grade will be calculated with a zero assigned for the final exam.

  1. If a student is absent from any class, he/she will be marked absent.
  2. If a student is absent and on that day, there is an in-class quiz, mid-term, or final exam, they will not be allowed to re-take it, regardless of whether the student has a 75% attendance record or not.

NOTE: If a student expects that they will miss the final exam due to personal/family reasons, then they must obtain prior approval from the Academic Operations department. The request must be in writing, and must contain a valid detailed explanation. KITE is under no obligation to offer a make-up exam, and even if the student has a valid reason, the Institute may – at it’s own discretion – not offer a make-up final exam. If a make-up exam is offered, the student may have to pay an exam fee.

  1. It is up to the discretion of each individual faculty member if they will accept late assignments or projects from students who were absent at the time the assignment/project was given, or when it was due. These policies will be explained by the faculty in their course outlines, and in class. The faculty’s decision will be final in this regard.
  2. If a student needs to take an extended leave of more than 2 weeks, then they must contact Academic Operations and obtain permission in writing prior to the start of the leave. Failure to do so may lead the Institute to believe that the student has dropped out, and will result in the student being denied access to the campus. The extended leave may count towards the allowed absents, depending on the situation.

6.2 Missed Quiz/Exam Policy

When can the student miss an exam?

Absence from examinations or quizzes is permissible only in extreme situations beyond the control of the student. These include medical cases, death in the immediate family, extracurricular activities (where the student is officially representing KITE), visa cases (for higher studies and with prior approval from KITE) and other emergencies.

Petition for make-up exam:

Request for scheduling a make-up exam must be made by the student or someone on his/her behalf through a written application submitted to the Academic Operations Department along with other required documents, before the exam. The request will be processed by the Academic Operations Department and the student will be notified of the decision within a week. A petition may either be accepted or declined.

If the petition is accepted:

A make-up exam will be scheduled within two weeks of the original exam with a maximum extension of another two weeks. This will be coordinated by the Academic Operations Department. There will be no grade reduction on make-up exams.

If the petition is declined:

For cases declined by the Academic Operations Department, the faculty will be notified. The faculty still has the discretion to take a makeup exam.

This makeup exam must be coordinated with the Academic Operations Department within two weeks of the original exam with a maximum extension of another two weeks.

Important Notes:

  • Private arrangements for make-up examination between a student and an instructor are not allowed.
  • Students who miss a scheduled make-up exam will not be given a second chance.

Situations which fall under the make-up exam policy are:

  1. Medical Cases: The student can miss an exam if he/she is seriously ill. On return to the Institute after recovering from illness the student should submit complete information on the medical treatment, i.e., copies of the clinical reports, hospitalization details, etc. to the Academic Operations Department. The student (or their family member/guardian) must inform the Institute as soon as possible about the illness.
  2. Death in immediate Family: In the unfortunate event of a death in the immediate family, i.e., parents, siblings or grandparents, students should notify Academic Operations prior to the exam, and submit a makeup exam petition. The Academic Operations Department may verify the evidence and will inform the student regarding the decision.
  3. Extracurricular Activities: If a student is going to participate in an event in which he/she is representing KITE and is unable to take a quiz or exam due to a clash in timings, the student may request a retake, prior to the exam.
  4. Visa Cases: Students, who have applied for a visa and have been called for an interview on the date of an exam, will be allowed a makeup exam without grade reduction. Such students should submit complete supporting documents to the Academic Operations Department prior to the exam.
  5. Other Emergencies: For any other emergencies, the student shall apply to the Academic Operations Department prior to the exam.

Potential Consequences:

If the student is granted permission to retake a final examination, he/she should be aware of the following:

  • The format of the deferred examination may well differ from the format of a standard final examination.
  • The student should not expect special assistance from the instructor or from the examiner in preparing for the retake.
  • There will be no chance to retake an exam the second time.

Important Deadlines:

Submission of: When:
Written Notification (by email or letter) Prior to the missed examination
Petition Form Within 72 hours of the petition.
Supporting documentation Within 10 business days* from date of petition.
*Business days – refers to days the KITE Academic Operations Office is open for business (excluding Sundays and campus closures).


6.3 Academic Honesty

At KITE we appreciate originality and creativity. Thus, we encourage our students to submit their own original work. Students at KITE are expected to produce original work and behave with complete academic integrity when completing all assignments, tests, projects and examinations, whether supervised or completed independently.


The following behavior is strictly prohibited:


Collusion involves producing jointly, with others, academic work that was intended for individual completion. Collusion includes, but is not limited to, asking for help or giving answers to others during assignments, in-class exercises, tests and examinations.


In academic writing, it is considered plagiarism to draw any idea or any language from someone else without adequately crediting that source in your work. It doesn’t matter whether the source is a published author, another student, a Web site without clear authorship, a Web site that sells academic papers, or any other person. Taking credit for anyone else’s work is stealing, and it is unacceptable in all academic situations, whether you do it intentionally or by accident.


Academic misconduct is the act of disruption in the educational process, giving an upper hand to one student over another. Academic misconduct includes:

  • Changing, altering, attempting to change or alter or assisting others in changing or altering academic record, or any grades;
  • Gaining unauthorized access to the university building, premises and accessing any computer file, or any other university record, storage, to collect answers or solutions for an academic exercise; Circulating and distributing notes or any other class material on the Internet or on Social Media (Online) or Offline.
  • Excessive tardiness, not meeting deadlines set by the instructors, the university staff, or any university-authorized individual; Using under handed means, including but not limited to bribery, intimidation or nepotism, to obtain any unfair leverage over others;
  • Failing to uphold standards of professional and courteous behavior.


Information of any sort must not and should not be falsely invented. Fabrication includes:

  • False citation or acknowledgment of direct or secondary source, including incorrect documentation of a source;
  • Listing of references or creating a bibliography, of sources that were not originally used to prepare any sort of academic work;
  • Inventing fictitious data; camouflaging or alteration of data;
  • Unauthorized submission of academic work prepared by other.


  • Allowing another person to copy your own academic work intentionally or casually or vice versa will not be allowed. Students can work in groups outside classroom hours, but have to specify their contributions when submitting both individual and group assignments.
  • Asking another person or company to complete your academic work for you is unacceptable.
  • The unauthorized usage of electronic gadgets e.g. PDAs, Smart phones, Mobile phones,
  • Use of electronic devices such as cell phones to access or share information during examination or quizzes is also prohibited.

Strict disciplinary measures will be taken against students who partake any of the above behaviors and practices. The penalty will depend on the severity of the offence and can range from a grade reduction to getting an ‘F’ in the course. The decision of the Disciplinary Committee will be final and not subject to petition under any circumstances.


6.4 Code of Conduct

Dress Code

  • Strictly no chappals allowed. Back strap sandals, shoes, joggers, converse etc. are allowed.
  • Smart casual dressing, jeans, t-shirts, or dress pants.
  • Shalwar Kameez is allowed only on Fridays for male students.
  • Shorts and bermudas are strictly not allowed.
  • During a formal class presentation or seminar/ lecture series, business casual attire is recommended.
  • Keep a tidy hairstyle, and a tidy and clean appearance.
  • Please ensure you maintain personal hygiene.

Explicitly Prohibited Behavior

  • No use or carrying of any weapons, dangerous instruments, explosive chemicals, devices on campus.
  • Stealing or possessing lost or misplaced items, especially from the labs or classrooms, would result in a disciplinary hearing and other penalties thereafter.
  • Permitting entry of guests or members of non-KITE student/political bodies on campus without prior permission.
  • Damaging any property, furniture, or equipment of KITE Institute.
  • KITE Institute will not tolerate any sort of sexual harassment or teasing of another student/staff member on-campus or off-campus. Violation will be adjudicated by KITE, and may lead to a disciplinary disclosure to the concerned authorities.
  • No usage/exchange/sale of alcohol or any sort of drugs is allowed on campus.
  • Students shall not assist anyone else in committing or attempting to commit a violation of any code of conduct.
  • Students shall not impair, interfere or obstruct orderly conduct on campus or in classroom.
  • Committing or threatening to commit an act of violence against self or others. Any reckless behavior should be avoided. KITE encourages a friendly and a homely environment.
  • Threatening the health, safety or welfare of another student in campus or off campus will be considered as violating KITE’s code of conduct and ethics.
  • Invading other student’s, faculty or staff members’ privacy.
  • Instigating, participating in or otherwise encouraging others to engage in a fight, riot or other disruption.
  • Conduct unbecoming a student.

7. Academic Probation and Dismissal

7.1 Engineering Probation

A student is placed on engineering probation when their grade point average (GPA) for their major area of study courses taken in residence falls below a 2.00, or.

7.2 Engineering Dismissal

A student is dismissed after two long semesters if their GPA has not reached a 2.00 for their major area of study.

7.3 Scholastic Probation and Dismissal

An undergraduate must maintain a minimum cumulative University GPA to remain academically eligible to register for the subsequent semester or summer session.  As shown in the following table, the minimum GPA required varies with the total number of college credit hours the student has undertaken.

Table of Scholastic Standards
Total College GPA for GPA for
Hours Undertaken Scholastic Probation Scholastic Dismissal
Below 15 less than a 2.00 less than 1.50
15-44 less than a 2.00 less than 1.70
45-59 less than a 2.00 less than 1.85
60 or more less than a 2.00 less than 2.00


Students who are on probation, and achieve a cumulative GPA of 2.00 or above at the end of a grade-reporting period in which they are currently enrolled, are removed from probation.


Students are not allowed to register for more than 19 CHs per semester without approval from Dean of the School and Director of Academic Operations. Students are not allowed to take more than 21 credit hours per semester at all unless they have cumulative hours of at least 90 hours towards their degree.


7.4 Grade Improvement and Course Repeat Policy

  1. Students can repeat a course if they obtain a grade below C- (including F grades). The new grade achieved will be the official grade for that course (even if the new grade is lower than the old grade). Both old and new grades will be shown on the transcript, but only the new grade will be counted towards the CGPA calculations. The retake will be shown on the transcript as ‘Improvement’. Students must repeat the full course spanning the entirety of the semester, and complete all course work. No placement by exam (or challenge exam) is allowed.


  1. Students can replace the old grade with the new one for up to 12 credit hours or no more than 5 courses; whichever is less, during the undergraduate degree program. For any courses repeated above 12 credit hours, both old and new grades will appear on the transcript and both will be counted towards the CGPA.


  1. A course may only be repeated once. If the student fails to clear the course after the repeat, a second repeat shall only be authorized with approval of the Academic Operations. The course must be repeated the very next time it is offered by the Institute, to benefit from the grade improvement policy. Students can repeat as many courses as they like during their degree (keeping in mind the 12 CH limit for grade replacement), and shall pay full tuition fees for all repeat attempts.


  1. This policy also applies when courses have to be repeated because either the student failed the course (F grade), or obtained a D+ or below grade in a core course. See your undergraduate degree program for the listing of core courses.


  1. Students who have received a grade of C-, C, or C+ are allowed to repeat that course for a grade improvement. Both old and new grades will be shown on the transcript, and both will be counted towards the CGPA.


  1. Students who receive a grade of B- or higher in a course are not allowed to repeat that course for grade improvement.

8. Grading System


Grade Reference Table

Numeric Score Alphabetic Grade Grade Point
90 & above A+ 4.0
85-89 A 4.0
80-84 A- 3.8
75-79 B+ 3.4
71-74 B 3.0
68-70 B- 2.8
64-67 C+ 2.4
61-63 C 2.0
57-60 C- 1.8
53-56 D+ 1.4
50-52 D 1.0
Below 50 FAIL 0.0

GPA >= 2.0 ——- Good

GPA < 2.0 ——— Probation


Grade letters

A: Excellent, 4 grade points per semester hour

B: Good, 3 grade points per semester hour

C: Satisfactory, 2 grade points per semester hour

D: Passing, 1 grade point per semester hour

F: Failed, no grade points, hours included in GPA calculations

I: Incomplete, no grade points (hours not included in GPA)

W: Withdrawal, Dropped course with no penalty during the semester enrolled, hours not included in GPA, course is listed in the transcript, requires Dean’s or designee’s permission.


9. Counseling

9.1 Student Counseling

University experience can be quite overwhelming for students and it is quite normal for them to feel overburdened and anxious about the future at times. A student’s work or wellbeing may be impacted because of factors that may be related or unrelated to their academic life. To discuss and overcome any such issue students are encouraged to seek the assistance of members of the Academic Operations Department. Students are welcome to schedule an appointment or drop by during working hours if they have any questions or concerns.


9.2 Career Counseling

During their course of study at KITE, students are constantly informed about internship opportunities and interesting projects that they may work on. They are encouraged to take part in these in order to get hands on experience of work life. The Academic Operations Department also offers assistance with regards to resume/CV writing to the students.

Furthermore, the KITE-Professional Development Center (KITE-PDC) is a project that takes an intensive hands-on approach to training students, fresh graduates and young professionals in order to improve their employability. KITE-PDC’s short and medium-term courses bridge the gap between education and industry ensuring better employment and self-employment opportunities and a quick return on investment.

  1. Fee Payment Details


  • All fees are due before the start of the semester.
  • Fee vouchers are issued a month before the next semester or at the end of the preceding semester.
  • The fee vouchers maybe dispatched through courier to students’ home address, or students may be asked to collect them in person from the Accounting office.
  • Incase a student didn’t receive the voucher, he/she should contact the Accounting department for a copy of the voucher. It is the responsibility of the student to collect the fee voucher.
  • Students should clear their dues before the due date. Due date is mentioned on the voucher. Failing to clear the due amount will result in subsequent penalties as per the Institute’s policy. Usually 15 days’ time span is provided to pay off the due amount.
  • In case of any issue/complaint, write an email to


10.1 Penalties

  • Late fee charges of Rs 500 per day will be applicable after due date for the period of ten days.
  • In case a student doesn’t pay the due amount in ten days after due date, he/she will be marked absent in all the subjects starting from day eleven, until he/she clears his/her dues including late fee charges.
  • As mentioned earlier, if the absents in a course are greater than 25% or greater than the limit assigned by the teacher, student may be barred from taking the final examination.


  1. Contacts



For issues/queries related to academics please email to


For Issues/queries related to fees and other accounts related matters please email to


For issues/queries related to scholarships and admission referrals please email to

Social Media:

To follow us on Social Media please join our pages on Facebook and Twitter (Link Below)           


Other Information:


(92) (21) 3509-2200/01                                  Plot 3&3A, Sector 47, Korangi Creek Road, Karachi.